The third installment of my World Baijiu Day series in The Beijinger magazine focused on the “Confessions of a Baijiu Drinker” series. I’ve posted several confessions already–see them at this link–and have a bunch more in the queue due to interviews done for the magazine piece, which you can find on pages 46 and 47 of the digital issue here.
Meanwhile, Nikkei Asian Review published a story about baijiu producers targeting the U.S. market. It quotes people like Orson Salicetti of New York baijiu bar Lumos, baijiu writer Derek Sandhaus, and Charles Lanthier of baijiu producer Hong Kong Baijiu (HKB). Plus Manny Burnichon of Private Cask:
“With the success China is experiencing in the world, I felt baijiu was totally a category to be developed in the U.S., where people are always looking for something new and exciting,” said Manny Burnichon, CEO of Private Cask Imports, which partners with CNS Imports to supply most of America’s baijiu. “There’s this trend here of craft spirits with a traditional aspect. We have a product that — like whiskey — is authentic, aged for many years. The production process is amazing.”
Even so, he is modest about the potential for baijiu in the U.S., according to the publication.
“We see it more as a novelty,” he said, “something that people want to try. It’s not going to take over the market like vodka.”
Get the full story here.
Founded in 2015, World Baijiu Day is held each August 9, with events in over 60 cities so far. Follow WBD on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. And get in touch via spirit (at)
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