Bai-lines | Stolen Moutai, closed drinking centers & Cityson in Shanghai

Those who seek a perfect ganbei will gan-boo! news that eight “drinking training centers” were closed by the authorities in Shandong province.

“On August 16, the Shandong Provincial Civil Affairs Department sent out a list of 67 illegal social organizations that had been punished over the first half of the year. A whopping eight of these had to do with teaching students about how to drink.,” reports Alex Linder in The Shanghaiist.

Also in Shandong, 21 bottles of Moutai were stolen from the basement of an apartment building. Turns out the thief is quite a baijiu fan.

“A Chinese liquor connoisseur who used his excellent calligraphy skills to keep detailed notes on the quality of various makes of Chinese liquor known as bai jiu has been arrested for stealing 21 bottles of Moutai,” reports Global Times. “Over 30 pages of notes, the man… provides details on how to distinguish between a real and a fake bottle of Moutai.”

And in Shanghai, guest bartenders Nathan Tse and Dylan Lam will be making baijiu cocktails at Calypso Lounge at Jing’an Kerry Center this Saturday, posts Katherine Chen in that’s Shanghai.. The featured brand: Cityson, a two-year Sichuan baijiu reportedly designed with cocktails in mind.

Founded in 2015, World Baijiu Day is held each August 9, with events in over 60 cities so far. Follow WBD on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. And get in touch via spirit (at)

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