Dustin Merrett of Windy City Ballroom is known to readers of this site for his mastery of deep-fried baijiu–see this post and this post and the photos below. He’ll not only have his fryer ready for August 8 but also plans to whip up a baijiu cocktail called Chasing the Dragon. Expect a powerful mix that includes baijiu, brandy and rum.
Merrett says three customers tested it tonight, including a pair who are not fans of baijiu.
“There was a good response,” he says. “One guy didn’t want to drink it because he doesn’t like baijiu. But it’s the 36 percent stuff and he says it’s quite good.”
“Another person said it’s a beautiful color and tastes really nice. The baijiu comes through, it lingers in your mouth after a while, but it’s nice because it’s fruity and a little citrus-y and the baijiu sort of carries that along.”
Get your baijiu either deep-fried or in a drink for rmb25, or get both for rmb40, from 11 AM to 9:30 PM on August 8.
Windy City Ballroom is at No. 9 Yongtaizhuang North Road, close to the Yongtaizhuang subway stop (see map here). 6299-3777 / WindyCityBallroom (at) mail.com.
Founded in 2015, World Baijiu Day is held each August 9, with events in over 60 cities so far. Follow WBD on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. And get in touch via spirit (at) worldbaijiuday.com.
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